
Project Management

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Project Management
in-app purchases

Project Management application is integrated with the main Bitrix24 platforms and data books — Tasks and Projects,  CRM, Employees. Bringing costs and income data are formed in the context of your clients, tasks, schedule and workflow.

The application helps you maintain accounting system and monitor workflow. The projects are performed at one dashboard. Data export to an Excel file is also implemented.

Projects key metrics at one dashboard

Key metrics of all the client projects are performed at a project dashboard with their timeline and latest status. The dashboard provides you with a quick overview of a project’s progress: workflow, tasks performance, bringing costs and income data. You can easily change project status in one click.

Customize filters and directions

Filters by parameters and directions grouping instrument help you search projects quickly. Customize and create your own filters.

Export projects data

You can export projects statistical report to an XLS file.

Integration with the basic Tasks and Projects platform

When adding a new project assign Responsible for project execution person, its Observers and Participants. Add deadline.

If you have a lot of tasks within your client project you can group them to manage and monitor easily further.

Automatic tasks attachment


Set signs of automatic tasks attachment within your client project. Add deadline and distribute the load among your employees.

Revenue and expense recognition

Monitor bringing and future costs, payments and profitability of the projects. Use manual, semi-manual and automatic invoice and deals attachment.

Automatic invoice and deal attachment


Set signs of automatic invoice and deal attachment by project status, clients, budget and other parameters to gather budgetary information within a project. Make the whole process of record keeping and customer interaction easy.

Integration with the basic Employees platform

Add users from the basic Employees platform to participate in projects. Customize cost accounting based on the payment options — spent or planned time for tasks execution within the projects.

If the total spent or planned time on a task is less than an hour, allow partial payouts.

Support your projects better with the Project Management Application

We developed the Project Management application and integrated it with the basic Bitrix24 platforms and data books — Tasks and Projects,  CRM, Employees — so it can help you better support your projects, stay on schedule and under budget and maintain customer interaction.

You can buy the application for 90, 180 and 360 days.

Version 1
"Project Management" is an application created to make your business profitable and efficient.

Technical support address:

Working hours:
10.00 am - 7.00 pm (GTM +3).
Response time – 48 hours.
Days off: Saturday and Sunday.
Standard app installation.

Application customization.
After installing the solution, go to the "Employees" page for a general cost overview. On this page, you must fill in the information for each employee whose time will be taken into account in the project tasks. Each employee must have the following fields completed:
  • Time for calculating the tasks' cost;
  • Period;
  • Payment for each work hour.
After filling in the supporting information, let's move on to the creating projects by clicking on the "Add project" button on the "Projects" page. Projects in the application can be associated with the projects of your Bitrix24 account, if you select its value in the "Select a project" field on the project page. Click on the magnifying glass icon near the title "Tasks". For convenience, your Bitrix24 tasks are already filtered by the previously selected project, but if necessary, you can change the filtering parameters. You can select all the tasks shown, or select tasks by clicking on the checkbox next to the necessary tasks. After the tasks are selected, you need to click on the "Apply" button to add tasks to the project.

When tasks are added to projects, we can add additional expenses manually. If the expenses are actual, they must be transferred fr om the planned ones.

Let's turn to income. Revenues can be added manually, as well as expenses, or we can select accounts by clicking on a magnifying glass near the title. Filtering is available for convenience.