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Cost Analysis Reports for Google Ads

Vlad Kovalskiy
October 26, 2020
Last updated: October 27, 2020
Dear Bitrix24 users, 

Every business needs to know whether the money spent on advertising is spent well. The Sales Intelligence module in Bitrix24 analyzes every communication channel with clients and provides a full comprehensive breakdown of sales with no additional integrations needed. 

The Advertising ROI reports in Sales Intelligence are updated and provide many more details. Now the Google Ads source reports not only show the general channel performance data, but also give further details for ad campaigns, groups, text ads and keywords performance. Thank to these data you can:

  • evaluate the performance of each ad campaign separately
  • see the ad groups that have brought more results and customers
  • see the best performing keywords. 
These options inside Sales Intelligence let produce effective ads and get rid of the ineffective ones. 

For more information and detailed instructions, please see this article

Choose only the right keywords for your Google Ad campaigns with Bitrix24!

Best regards, 
Your Bitrix24 team 
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