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Bitrix24 SMS Marketing via Twilio integration

Vlad Kovalskiy
May 12, 2020
Last updated: April 5, 2023
Dear Bitrix24 users, 

Now Bitrix24 SMS Marketing is available via Twilio integration. You can now send text messages to your clients directly from your Bitrix24 CRM:
  • Send messages directly from lead, deal, client or quote.
  • Configure rules to send text messages to a client or an employee at a specified time or when a specified task is completed.
  • Bulk text messaging from a list of clients, deals, leads or other CRM entities.

For more information and detailed step-by-step instructions, please see this article

If you'd like to receive incoming SMS, you can use applications from our marketplace

Best regards, 
Your Bitrix24 team

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