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Bitrix24 Open Channels updates

Vlad Kovalskiy
April 15, 2020
Last updated: April 15, 2020
Dear Bitrix24 users,

We would like to inform you that we've updated Open Channels in Bitrix24 and introduce a list of the most important of them:

Facebook, WhatsApp Open Channels

A new Facebook messenger platform policy was applied on March 4th, and everybody who uses this platform needs to comply with the new policy. The new rule is as follows: if an agent fails to respond to a client within 24 hours, they will not be able to send any messages to the client after 24 hours expire. Only clients can resume the conversation and send messages outside this 24-hour window.
For more information on the update, please see this article

Live typing

This new option allows the agent can see the text a customer is typing, which considerably reduces the time required to come up with a reply. 

Chat title

This new option allows you to set a custom chat title for the live chat that will be visible to your clients. 

Welcome messages auto sending

Before the update, the welcome message wasn't sent automatically if a client sent a message during off-hours. From now on, the welcome message will be sent as an auto-response to an initial message anyway.

Off-hours enquiry processing

The availability of message agents is now checked according to the open channel settings as well as work time tracking. The automatic response outside working hours will only be displayed to the customer if the system considers that no agent is available.

Agent information

You can change agent information (name, position, photo) in open channels chat. Now the agent information is displayed correctly when an inquiry is forwarded to another agent in the queue or to another open channel.

For more information and detailed instruction, please see this article

We continue to improve Open Channels features to make your work more efficient.

Happy communications,

Your Bitrix24 team


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