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Data migration to Bitrix24

Vlad Kovalskiy
April 27, 2020
Last updated: April 5, 2023
Dear Bitrix24 users,

Storing and preserving company database is one of the most important goals of any system. In case your company decided to migrate to Bitrix24, and you are facing the need to migrate your database to Bitrix24, we've got several safe ways to do so: 

  • CRM data import (by importing the .csv file)
  • CRM data export (in case you need to transfer data from another Bitrix24 account)
  • Applications for data migration from several systems. Go to the Applications section, choose Migration in Bitrix24, select one of the applications and follow the instructions. 

Wish you a successful migration process to Bitrix24! 

Best regards, 
Your Bitrix24 team

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