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Route an Outgoing Call from Phone to Browser

Vlad Kovalskiy
December 22, 2020
Last updated: December 22, 2020
Dear Bitrix24 users, 

In Bitrix24 Contact Center module, if you rent a number or have a PBX connection and have a SIP device connected, the outgoing calls are made via this SIP phone by default. However, you can route the call from the device to the browser or the Bitrix24 Desktop app and back.

You can choose the way handle your outgoing calls by clicking the corresponding buttons during the call. The system will remember the settings, and the next time you make a call from Bitrix24, the option you've previously selected will be used.

For more information and detailed instructions with screenshots, please see this article

Handle your outgoing calls with easy in Bitrix24, 

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