
01Ocean Company Limited

Partner directory
Partner directory

01Ocean Company Limited

Hong Kong, Hong Kong 
01Ocean is a comprehensive Business Solutions, Website Design, and Mobile applications company. We provide a one-stop solution for business, getting them onto the Internet quickly and professionally. We offer a wide range of services: Bitrix24 integration, domain name registration, web hosting, web designs, Search Engine Optimization, and a lot more. Our solutions can be customized for special business needs. We provide technology that caters to your business, retain customers and drive new business to your website. Contact us for a free quote today!
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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 5542 2474, +852 5542 2474

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CRM and Business Automation

CRM and Business Automation

Web Development

Web Development

On-premise version deployment

On-premise version deployment

Large Enterprise implementation

Large Enterprise implementation

HR and Project management

HR and Project management

API integration / App development

API integration / App development

Cloud to On-premise migration

Cloud to On-premise migration

On-Premise localization (translation)

On-Premise localization (translation)

Social Intranet /Enterprise social network

Social Intranet /Enterprise social network

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