
Version history

Photo Gallery 2.0
Version 24.0.0
Date update : May 21, 2024
  • UTF-8 processing improved.
Version 23.0.0
Date update : June 8, 2023
  • Known PHP 8 update related issues fixed.
Version 22.0.300
Date update : June 8, 2023
  • Fixed PHP issue in album list.
Version 22.0.200
Date update : April 4, 2023
  • "Album code is not specified" issue fixed when attempting to load an image without selecting an album.
Version 22.0.100
Date update : December 13, 2022
  • Fixed issue accessing your account when Feed has images inserted from photo gallery.
Version 22.0.0
Date update : August 3, 2022
  • Fixed minor issues.
Version 21.200.0
Date update : September 24, 2021
  • Now album can be created in a group's slider.
  • Fixed issue uploading file with large number of thumbnails.
Version 21.0.0
Date update : March 16, 2021
  • Improved PHP 8 compatibility.
Version 20.300.0
Date update : January 26, 2021
  • Minor issues fixed.
  • Photo flash loader is no longer supported.
Version 20.200.0
Date update : December 16, 2020
  • Fixed minor issues.
Version 20.100.0
Date update : November 24, 2020
  • Now supporting z-index manager.
Version 20.5.0
Date update : September 10, 2020
  • Minor improvements.
Version 20.0.100
Date update : January 27, 2019
  • Minor improvements.
Version 20.0.0
Date update : November 15, 2019
  • Minor issues fixed.
Version 18.0.0
Date update : July 26, 2017
  • Fixed PHP 7.1 compatibility issue.
  • Fixed issue when uploading photos and other minor issues.
Version 17.0.2
Date update : May 12, 2017
  • Fixed issue using incorrect loader.
Version 17.0.1
Date update : April 12, 2017
  • HTML5 image loader is resizable now to support windows of different size.
  • Minor changes.
Version 17.0.0
Date update : March 14, 2017
  • Fixed issues found in the user interface of the Photo Gallery components.
  • Fixed JS issue that occurred after saving a photo comment.
  • Auto composite mode updated.
  • All Photo Gallery components migrated to the new HTML5 uploader for security reasons (the legacy Java/Flash uploader is no longer used).
Version 16.0.1
Date update : January 27, 2016
  • Fixed issue incorrectly displaying images containing whitespace and\or national characters.
  • Fixed known Extranet issues.
Version 16.0.0
Date update : November 18, 2015
  • Fixed issues found in the photo gallery uploader.
  • The photo gallery template no longer includes the Flash slideshow component.
  • Fixed other minor issues.
Version 15.0.0
Date update : December 11, 2014
  • Minor bug fixes.
Version 14.5.2
Date update : May 7, 2014
  • Minor bug fixes.
Version 14.5.1
Date update : April 17, 2014
  • Minor bug fixes.
Version 14.5.0
Date update : March 28, 2014
  • Introduced a new simple photo upload template.
  • Fixed user interface issues.
Version 12.5.1
Date update : April 26, 2013
  • Minor issues fixed.
Version 12.5.0
Date update : March 20, 2013
  • Fixed the design layout issue in the module settings form.
  • Fixed issue incorrectly saving the photo description.
  • Fixed issue downloading album photos in background.
  • Fixed other UI and functional issues in the module components.
Version 12.0.1
Date update : November 9, 2012
  • Various user interface issues fixed.
Version 12.0.0
Date update : November 9, 2012
  • Migration to version 12.0.0.
  • Fixed photo upload issues.
  • Fixed issues showing password protected albums.
  • Fixed other user interface issues.
Version 11.5.3
Date update : September 12, 2012
  • Fixed issue adding a comment to a photo.
Version 11.5.2
Date update : September 12, 2012
  • Fixed error uploading a single image containing non-Latin characters in filename.
  • Fixed various user interface issues.
Version 11.5.1
Date update : May 22, 2012
  • Fixed error applying a watermark to an image.
  • Fixed user interface issues.
Version 11.5.0
Date update : April 24, 2012
  • Various user interface issues fixed.
Version 11.0.7
Date update : April 11, 2012
  • Fixed various user interface issues.
Version 11.0.6
Date update : March 26, 2012
  • Fixed error showing photos from nested albums.
  • Fixed error adding comments to photos.
  • Fixed various user interface issues.
Version 11.0.5
Date update : December 6, 2011
  • Minor changes.
  • Ratings: changed the voting ID’s. Attention: re-index your website if you use social services search.
Version 11.0.4
Date update : October 21, 2011
  • Introduced rating support by the Kernel module.
Version 11.0.3
Date update : October 10, 2011
  • Optimized performance of the module components.
  • Blogging components can now be used for commenting.
  • Minor errors fixed.
Version 11.0.2
Date update : October 10, 2011
  • Fixed various user interface and algorithmic errors.
Version 11.0.1
Date update : February 2, 2011
  • Fixed various user interface and algorithmic errors.
Version 11.0.0
Date update : February 2, 2011
  • The user interface of the photo gallery components has been completely redesigned.
  • New Flash photo uploader.
  • New ActiveX/Java photo uploader.
  • Better handling of watermarks and logos.
  • Drag’n’drop for sorting the album photos.
  • Added the photo rotate feature.
  • Fixed functional and user interface errors.
Version 10.0.0
Date update : March 15, 2011
  • Transition to the new version.
Version 9.5.1
Date update : February 2, 2011
  • Improved the user interface of some of the module components.
  • The performance of the module components has been seriously improved.
  • Fixed most errors in the module components.
Version 9.0.6
Date update : September 28, 2010
  • Minor changes.
Version 9.0.5
Date update : September 3, 2010
  • Minor changes.
Version 9.0.4
Date update : August 11, 2010
  • Minor changes.
Version 9.0.3
Date update : June 28, 2010
  • Minor bugs fixed.
Version 9.0.2
Date update : May 28, 2010
  • Fixed error recalculating the user gallery size.
  • New template for a detailed photo page slider; the old template renamed to “slider_fixed”.
Version 9.0.1
Date update : May 12, 2010
  • Fixed error allowing to vote for photos in archived social network groups.
Version 9.0.0
Date update : April 28, 2010
  • Minor changes.
Version 8.6.3
Date update : March 18, 2010
  • Fixed error in the “old” template of the Photogallery 2.0 component.
Version 8.6.2
Date update : March 12, 2010
  • Minor changes.
Version 8.6.1
Date update : February 25, 2010
  • Attention! This update will install a new Photogallery template by default. The old template still can be applied in Photogallery composite component parameters using the name "old".
  • Minor changes.
Version 8.6.0
Date update : February 25, 2010
  • Fixed error occured on the home page of multi-user photogallery.
Version 8.5.0
Date update : September 23, 2009
  • SEO optimization of the module components.
  • Fixed error occured while using simple upload form and disabled or non-installed Java plugin.
Version 8.0.1
Date update : September 7, 2009
  • Mandatory photo watermark as a text or an image.
  • The image dimensions can now be forced to maximum possible values.
  • Full support for simple configuration mode in components.
  • The photo upload component has been rewritten.
  • Cache error has been fixed.
  • Pagewise navigation for albums and photos.
  • Users can now give their votes to photos.
  • Pre-moderation of photos in the multiple user galleries.
Version 8.0.0
Date update : April 7, 2009
  • Added support for a new kernel module version 8.0.0.
Version 7.1.5
Date update : January 16, 2009
  • Minor changes.
Version 7.1.3
Date update : December 18, 2008
  • Fixed error occurring when a user toggles between bulk and single file upload modes on the photo upload page.
Version 7.1.2
Date update : September 26, 2008
  • Minor changes.
Version 7.1.1
Date update : September 26, 2008
  • Fixed error in Photo detail vew page.
Version 7.1.0
Date update : September 26, 2008
  • Added support for Social Network module.
Version 7.0.2
Date update : July 30, 2008
  • Fixed error with deleting empty albums.
Version 7.0.1
Date update : June 3, 2008
  • Optimizations in selection of images for lists.
  • The module installer now checks access permissions of blogs and information blocks at the installation time.
  • Copyright watermarks are now supported in single image upload mode. The copyright watermark settings form will be active if only the font is specified in the component settings. The font can be uploaded in the module settings form.
  • Templates improved for compatibility with third party JavaScript libraries (jquery).
  • Fixed error occurring when installing the module on a system lacking the Compression module.
  • Fixed errors in breadcrumb links created by the Photo component.
  • Fixed cache error in the Album (list) component which could show photos of password protected albums.
  • Property values could disappear in the Photo (edit) component in edit mode.
  • Changes in the Photo (upload) component:
    - fixed error occurring when adding a photo to new albums with clear_cache=Y in URL;
    - the copyright sing can now be removed from the watermarks;
    - fixed error in the component template in single file upload mode: the Publish option was always visible.
  • Changes in the Photo (list) component:
    - changed the views parameter name;
    - new parameter: Slide show path template;
    - fixed error which caused the slide show to display small photos if additional thumbnails exist;
    - photos can now migrate between albums.
Version 7.0.0
Date update : May 22, 2008
  • Photo gallery now supports multiuser mode; implemented in the "Photogallery 2.0 (multiuser)" component (photogallery_user).
  • New components: "Photogallery (templates)", "Photogallery (edit)", "Photogallery (list)".
  • New templates for the "Photo (list)" component:
    simple - shows photo, photo title and author's name;
    ascetic - shows photos only which can be rendered in a square area.
  • Slide show page redesigned (better control bar; image preload).
  • Better security in the ImageUploader - mass upload component.Warning! Please ensure the customized component "Photo (upload)" runs properly in bulk upload mode.
  • Fixed Album sorting order parameter handling error.
  • Fixed error occurring when using the compound component in blogs with comments for the first time.
  • Fixed JavaScript error in IE 7 occurring when deleting photos from upload list.
Version 6.5.6
Date update : March 21, 2008
  • Bugs of the 'Photo' & 'Photo (upload)' components' templates have been fixed.
  • Bug of the 'Photo (list)' component has been fixed.
Version 6.5.5
Date update : February 20, 2008
  • Component templates were optimized to support custom styles.
  • New option in the component parameters to support page navigation templates.
  • The photos reverse navigation option has been added to the component parameters.
  • The "Photo (list)" component: new feature to filter photos that were added within the specified period.
  • New option to specify the custom date format.
  • The JavaScript error that occurred on the photo upload page with the "Tags" field disabled.
Version 6.5.4
Date update : February 8, 2008
  • New option to create additional thumbnails. Parameters of thumbnails can be configured in the module settings form.
  • Albums can now be password protected.
  • The slide show has been introduced.
  • New column added to albums page to show the new, popular and most commented images.
  • Better watermark processing: colour, size and position can now be configured at the upload time.
  • The component parameters has been enriched by the user group based rules to restrict access to large image views.
  • New options in the component parameters to sort images by the ID, name, views, sort weight, popularity and comment count.
  • New options in the component parameters to sort albums by the ID, name, sort weight, date and image count.
  • New options in the component parameters to configure the breadcrumb navigation of images and albums.
  • New option "Simple Mode" to hide most parameters except the important ones. Important: the hidden options take the default values!
  • The image list template can now be selected in the component parameters: Standard (rubber layout) or Table (column count can be specified).
  • Field value settings for image upload form are now stored for an authorized user.
  • New! Added description edit option for group of images in the mass-upload form.
  • New calendar is used in album and image edit forms.
  • ZIP compression is used for non-image files.
  • ActiveX version of the upload component now supports Windows Vista interfaces styles.
  • Greatly improved quality of proccessed images for Java version of upload component.
  • New component was added: photogallery.section.list (album list).
Version 6.5.3
Date update : December 13, 2007
  • New! Photogallery module installer was added.
  • Photo quality settings were added for the photo upload components.
  • Tag cloud settings were added to the components.
  • New! Added component settings for selecting the module for storing comments: Forum or Blog.
  • Component structure was optimized.
Version 6.5.2
Date update : December 11, 2007
  • Fixed language resource files errors.
  • Fixed error with album editing.