
Version history

File conversion server
Version 24.0.0
Date update : January 31, 2024
  • Improved statistics for large size files.
  • Now all errors returned by server have a numerical code.
  • API: now module supports logging via PSR loggers. Now you can redefine a default logger using settings.php (logger ID - transformercontroller.Default).
Version 23.0.100
Date update : October 3, 2023
  • Improved compatibility with PHP extension amqp version 2.
Version 23.0.0
Date update : March 31, 2023
  • Command limit check performance improved.
  • Now generating a .jpg file from document directly from source file, skipping intermediary step of creating .pdf file.
Version 22.0.0
Date update : May 16, 2022
  • Improved compatibility with PHP8.
  • Worker and database connection timeout issue fixed.
Version 21.300.0
Date update : October 23, 2021
  • Fixed issue document conversion issue.
Version 21.200.0
Date update : September 29, 2021
  • Fixed issue clearing number of launched workers when saving module settings.
Version 21.100.0
Date update : June 29, 2021
  • ORM annotations updated.
  • Fixed issue checking kernel files for updates.
Version 21.0.0
Date update : March 15, 2021
  • Improved PHP 8 compatibility.
Version 20.100.0
Date update : September 10, 2020
  • Now path can be specified for executed libreoffice file via options.
  • All service scripts are now moved from site root to internal directories.
  • Added statistics data cleanup agent.
Version 20.0.100
Date update : September 10, 2020
  • Now supporting mbstring
  • Limit data caching removed.
  • Added connection timeouts when uploading files to account.
Version 20.0.0
Date update : December 25, 2019
  • Added option to redefine root folder for storing temporary LibreOffice user settings.
Version 18.0.0
Date update : February 20, 2019
  • Improved statistics viewing with customizable from/to period.
  • Added event before queueing a task.
  • Added option to custom class for executing system commands.
  • All logs are now written in json format.
  • Error codes are now sent to an account.
Version 17.1.4
Date update : October 1, 2018
  • Fixed issue downloading file from account when missing Content-Length header in the response for a HEAD request.
  • Fixed issue re-encoding command data when queuing with windows-1251 character encodings.
Version 17.1.3
Date update : October 1, 2018
  • Updated method for determining process execution time (fixed premature interruptions).
  • Now file upload to account is terminated if error occurred during conversion.
  • When error occurred during file upload, file information is added to the result, specifying that such files were deleted at the account.
Version 17.1.2
Date update : August 24, 2018
  • Added option to specify limits by license type: self-hosted or cloud.
Version 17.1.1
Date update : June 27, 2018
  • Service update: now error detailed data is included into statistics.
Version 17.1.0
Date update : March 23, 2018
  • Now server can have several queues setup.
  • Each queue can have multiple number of workers.
  • Queue ID added to all tables.
  • Added controller for external queue management.
Version 17.0.4
Date update : December 12, 2017
  • Additional check for portal availability in the ban-list before executing a command.
Version 17.0.3
Date update : December 12, 2017
  • Updated video conversion start command.
  • Updated format for sending converted files to portal - now as an attachment, not inside a request body.
Version 17.0.2
Date update : April 1, 2017
  • Updated format for starting video conversion.
  • Now access to controllers is restricted by authorization.
  • Added indices to statistics tables.
Version 17.0.1
Date update : April 1, 2017
  • Redundant files deleted.
  • Streamlined worker job completion.
  • Full-fledged daemon for managing workers via systemd.
  • Other minor improvements.