Articles How to Write a Great Email Signature: 31 Examples

How to Write a Great Email Signature: 31 Examples

Boost Productivity Power of AI, ML & Big Data
Vlad Kovalskiy
19 min
Updated: March 12, 2024
Vlad Kovalskiy
Updated: March 12, 2024
How to Write a Great Email Signature: 31 Examples

What Is an Email Signature?

Okay, this is an email signature:

A professional email ends with a little block of information providing anything we might require about the sender. This is an email signature.

If an email signature is done correctly, it shows off your email style, professionalism, and specific flair. 

A properly arranged email signature is a reminder of you and your company that can linger in the reader's memory long after they close their inbox.

An email signature can generate new leads, increase engagement across a number of channels, and demonstrate success. 

Nevertheless, email signatures often fail. Why? Let’s have a deeper look at the situation and find the right samples.

The basic things you should memorise first are:

  • Your aim is to use company email signatures correctly. You should fit as much information as you can, but never leave an email signature overloaded; 

  • You should create your email signature in a legible format;

  • You need to tell your reader who you are in your email signature; in this way you’ll make your company successful. 

Why Is an Email Signature Important?

You can add more info to your email signature than a job title and Twitter account. 

However, the truth is: 

The effectiveness of email marketing depends on having professional email signatures. 

It has the power to make or break your emails. The email signature will totally determine how every email you send is remembered. 

If you do everything right:

  • You’ll share digestible information with your readers through a simple email signature;

  • You’ll popularise your brand through a design connecting your company with a certain aesthetic;

  • You’ll make your email stand out from the typical bunch of emails received by your customers;

  • You’ll manage to use hyperlinks to develop your social channels;

  • You’ll demonstrate your professionalism through correct writing;

  • You’ll train your team members to use the same type of business email signature to show off their professionalism.

The time and effort you invest in crafting a superb email signature is truly priceless.

What Not to Include in an Email Signature

You should be informative, but you shouldn’t be lifeless. Creating an email signature is fun but don’t let yourself be carried away with the process. The main rule here is:

Make it short and sweet

 Avoid sharing:

  • Your lifetime achievements;

  • Inspirational quotes;

  • Your social media channels excessively.

Less is more

If you want your readers engaged, follow the rule of three basic must-haves:

  1. Share your full name;

  2. Share your company’s name;

  3. Share your job title.

The following things can also be important for professional email signatures:

  • Phone number;

  • Social media icons or links;

  • Company logo;

  • Website link;

  • Registered address;

  • A call-to-action, or a reminder (optional).

NEVER include the following in a business email signature:

  • Personal social media profiles;

  • Personal address;

  • Personal phone number;

  • Quotes you find inspiring;

  • Personal achievements.

Be selective to properly curate your email signature. Make sure you cram all crucial information in there and say goodbye to the unimportant rest.

What Is a Call to Action?

Also referred to as a CTA, a call to action is a media piece designed to make a viewer, reader, or listener carry out a specific action. A call to action frequently takes the form of a command or instruction (such as "buy now" or "click here").

A Short Master Class to an Effective Call to Action

Make sure you’ve arranged a customer base. This way companies increase brand recognition and the number of potential customers learning about their business and products directing them to their website.

Create a sale. A call to action is a digital marketing technique that starts by generating awareness and interest in a business, and which ends with a sale. Effective CTAs have a high proportion of specific customers who respond to this CTA.

Generate leads. People who are generally interested in an offered product are likely to become potential customers. They are usually called “leads”. Companies utilise CTAs to identify their demographic target and this way they generate leads. These leads are compiled in an email list in order to share direct marketing or advertising messages.

Make a direct product path. A call to action makes it simple for someone to access your website. A customer arrives at your virtual door and makes a purchase there with just a click of a link.

5 Tips for Writing an Attractive Call to Action

  1. Use imperative. Your own signature should be strong and convincing. A CTA has to start with authoritative language, such as “click”, “join” or “shop”.

  2. Make it low-risk. To develop your personal brand use a zero-pressure approach. 

  3. Use persuasive language. Copywriters frequently use compelling language for CTAs. Use language to make customers act in accordance with your wishes. To create curiosity and pique your audience's interest, keep your CTA brief. Create a value proposition, such as money savings or low prices.

  4. Create a sense of urgency. The most effective CTAs convey urgency in their message, such as “Use this limited-time bargain before it’s too late!”. An efficient marketing strategy invokes the fear of missing out.

  5. Make it stand out. A fantastic design combined with powerful words creates an ideal call to action. Use bold colours and add a white space border around the CTA button. Make it noticeable to attract attention.

How to Make an Outstanding Email Signature?

You should be creative and simple at the same time.

  • Fonts should be simple for a slick design of an email signature;

  • Dividers and tables will help you arrange an appealing design;

  • Your email signature should draw the eye.

Your email signature can turn into a stretched and distorted one, difficult to see because of poor formatting, or, at its worst, invisible.

  • Make sure your email signature is mobile-friendly and suitable for all screen sizes.

  • Be careful with the use of images — copying info from images is not convenient.

  • Avoid HTML if possible — it can cause problems with the layout.

Okay, it’s now time to finally have a look at the samples of professional email signatures. Read on to find an effective email signature if you’re still out of ideas.

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25 Professional Email Signature Templates

We’ve rounded up some of the top professional email signature templates, as well as basic business signature examples. 

A Simple Email Signature

A simple email signature should be limited to three or a maximum of four text lines. There’s no need to create something too complex — the only things you’ll need for a basic business email signature are:

  • Name;

  • Title;

  • Company;

  • Phone.

Use an email signature like this if you’re all out of creative ideas:

Another Straightforward Email Signature Example

Here’s another simplified email signature. It’s as plain and straightforward as it can be. Pay attention to the way the main components of this business email signature are arranged. They are:

  • Name;

  • Job title;

  • Company logo;

  • Contact details;

  • Social media channels or links.

Branded Email Signature

It’s one of the simplest email signatures as well, but it contains more visual details to match your brand. It involves either brand colours or a company logo.

Social Media Pages for Email Signatures

To interact with potential clients, this personal email signature example uses a variety of social media platforms, and it makes sense to list them all as contact points.

The signature template includes:

  • Logo;

  • Name;

  • Contact details;

  • Job title;

  • Social media links built-in personalised icons.

Stellar Content for an Email Signature

Do you have something you are willing to advertise to the world? Do you already have a well-written blog post outlining what you have to offer? The following email signature includes:

  • Name;

  • Expertise;

  • Blog content.

Personal Email Signature with Contact Information and socials

This email signature template includes a lot of information, but it still stays short and comprehensive. It’s especially convenient if you have numerous social media links. It’s one of the best email signature examples, including:

  • Name;

  • Job title;

  • Phone;

  • Mobile;

  • Website;

  • Email;

  • Social media icons;

  • Address.

Email Signature with a Call to Action

This sentence in your message makes email recipients do something. Almost anything might inspire them to take an action you want them to take, for example:

  • Scheduling a demo; 

  • Going to an event;

  • Sharing information in the social media;

  • Downloading sales and advertising materials.

Everything is simple. An email signature with a call to action should include:

  • Name;

  • Job title;

  • Company logo (optional);

  • Contact details;

  • Social media icons;

  • Call to action (obligatory).

It would be excessive to list every single phone number, email address, and social media account you have. It causes the Paradox of Choice — it means that the more pages you link to, the less likely it is that your recipient will click on any of them.

A professional email signature has to be convenient for reading and using on all types of devices, including phones.

Add an Image to Your Professional Email Signature

A visual component is always more attractive to the majority of people. Your recipient will appreciate this email signature format if you deal with it correctly. Keep in mind that it shouldn’t be an ordinary picture of something. The best one you can choose for email signature marketing is a colour image of a person or people.

A basic email signature template like this should contain:

  • Name combined with an image;

  • Job title;

  • Company name;

  • Contact information;

  • Social media icons.

Contact Information with Company Address

Some professionals include both their contact details and company address in their email signature. You’ll need:

  • Name;

  • Job title;

  • Contacts;

  • Website link;

  • Company address.

It’s simple. See how it looks:

Using the default iPhone signature could help your letter look better.

The sender is seen as credible when emails demonstrate proper language, spelling, and punctuation, regardless of whether they are sent from a computer or a phone.

If using a standard mobile email signature makes your life easier while you're always on the go, don't be hesitant and do so.

Best professional email signature examples for phones:

  • Rendered with a phone. frequently thwarted by autocorrect. Just back off.

  • *Hopefully, my beloved iPhone helped and encouraged my brevity and blunders.

  • iPhone. iTypos. iApologise.

  • I feel sorry for any typos as this was sent from my iPhone.

  • Sent from a mobile device; all mistakes are my own.

Keep Mobile Responsiveness in Mind

The majority of emails are opened on mobile devices. Your email signatures should not turn out to be broken for regular mobile users. Make sure your email signature also looks good on a phone screen.

Email Signatures for Environment Lovers

Use a green signature footer or a lovely email signature quote to provide everyone you write to with a little information about who you are and what you care about. 

You’ll need a basic list of information, including:

  • Name;

  • Contact details;

  • Social media links;

  • Company logo;

  • Photo;

  • Green footers - sections added to the bottom of the letter.

It’s a standard signature template that always looks neat and attracts certain categories of clients. If you are among the ones who care about the environment and want to get in touch with like-minded people among your clients, the following green email signature might come in handy:

Here are the examples of green footers:

  • Please, don’t print this;

  • Don’t make waste — don’t print it;

  • Save paper, save money;

  • Thank you for not printing this email;

  • Don’t print — save trees.

Email Signature with Personal Images and Logos

Looking for corporate email signature examples? You’ll need some pictures to be more persuasive, and the pictures should be properly created. 

Looking good, right? This email signature includes a company logo, a properly made professional photo of a specialist, contact information, social media links, and a website link. Besides, it’s clearly seen that it’s a branded email signature designed with specific colours and shapes.

Use Email Clients for Your Email Signatures

The two most popular email clients are Gmail and Microsoft Outlook. They allow you to add a custom email signature that will be automatically added to every email you send. There is no need to use graphic design software or a free email signature generator because you can design your email signature directly in these apps. It limits your options for signature design, but it gives a straightforward email signature, designed directly for your needs.

Click here to learn how to create your personal Google email signature.

Click here to learn how to create your personal Microsoft Outlook email signature.

An Email Signature with a YouTube Video Link

Using YouTube is one of the most successful options that nurtures the needs of the majority of companies. Add YouTube links to your email signatures to get new subscribers and clients. Everything depends on the products you sell, but if you use YouTube, you’ll manage to get more clients interested in your product.

Showcase Your Product in Your Email Signature

Use your signature to turn email recipients into potential customers if you own an online store. Include a picture, a description, and a link to the product page. Highlight your most recent offering.

Showcase Your Portfolio in an Email Signature

The newest or most well-known pieces of your work may be included in your email signature if you’re a photographer or a graphic designer. Better still, make sure each image connects to an appropriate page link or an icon on your website.

Your Social Profiles in Creating an Email Signature

By including links to your social media profiles in your email signature, you increase your social media following. Use certain eye-catching symbols going straight to your profile.

Ask for a Review in Your Email Signature

One of the best authority Google signals (as well as for any recipient) is receiving positive reviews. So why not request a review with your email signature? Just be sure to make it simple for your clients to do so, by including a link to the appropriate website where they can leave a review.

Use Colours in Your Email Signatures

A professional email signature should be worth remembering. Bright colours and patterns in an email signature make it look attractive. A recipient will easily memorise it. 

Nevertheless, utilising excessive amounts of colour, or no-colour, combinations can make you look garish or childish. Therefore, we advise using colour carefully:

  • Pick out two complementary colours for an email signature;

  • Email signatures should match your industry — brighter colours for young and creative companies, and subtler palettes for professional and more down-to-earth companies;

  • The colours you choose for an email signature should be in line with the way your product looks. The email signature format is highly important. If you are not sure about the colours, get in touch with a professional designer to make it easier.

A Hand-Written Sign-Off for Email Signatures

Your email signature will look personable if it is handwritten. Even if your email recipient knows you haven’t written it yourself, a handwritten signature like the one below will make it appear as though you did. It produces a positive and long-lasting impression.

It’s cool if your signature template involves a handwritten sign. The best professional email signature always has a personal touch, so that every recipient feels respect from the business owner.

An Email Signature with a Disclaimer

Your email clients will feel secure if you use the following email signature template:

  • Name;

  • Company name;

  • Job title;

  • Contact data;

  • Disclaimers.

Disclaimers for an email signature usually include:

  • A virus transmission disclaimer;

  • A confidentiality disclaimer;

  • A personal opinion disclaimer;

  • A general data protection disclaimer.

So, an email signature with a disclaimer should look like this:

It’s one of the most common-looking email signature templates for a reputable company that respects every recipient and all potential clients.

Using Bold Text & Spaces Is Crucial

The targeted bold text you see in professional email signature examples is not for fun. An email signature should be properly arranged for the eyes of every recipient. Create your professional email, but don’t forget to highlight crucial details with bold text. They are:

  • Name;

  • Job title;

  • Company name.

Also, remember hyperlinks and colours in your email signature. This will draw the attention of the recipient:

It’s just one of the regular email signature templates; it’s enough if you want to look professional, but have no thoughts or ideas on how to be more creative.

Use Professional Email Signature Examples with Photos

When we talk about the pictures for your email signature, stick to the following rules to make every recipient satisfied:

Smile. Every smiling face increases the engagement of every recipient.

Quality. All professional email signature examples contain high-quality pictures that cannot be associated with spammy content.

Background. Make sure the photos in your email signature don’t have a nasty, noisy background — it should be a contrasting background so that your email client sees your professionalism.

Fewer Lines — Best Decision for Your Email Signature

Simply be more thoughtful about your content. Don’t eliminate necessary elements to save space in the email signature.

The following email signature is made up of the essentials but it still looks like a professional email ending. Here you can see:

  • Name;

  • Job title;

  • Company name;

  • Contact information;

  • Address;

  • Social media icons;

  • Professionally made picture;

  • A call to action.

Use it as a free email signature sample, and you won’t make a mistake.

Seasonal and Holiday Email Signature

A great way to create a memorable email signature is by customizing it based on a season or even a holiday! This will add warmth to your signature, making even the most generic email more memorable. Adding holiday customization is even better since it brings up the atmosphere and mood of happiness and celebration. Such customizations are also fantastic to use while having holiday discounts, for first-time customers and other special offers.

Adding a Meeting Link to Email Signature

This is a fantastic addition if a part of your sales funnel is a meeting (personal or online). Having a meeting booking link in the will save you a lot of time. When for some leads, building a strong connection in the early stages of communication is a must; others may like the simplicity and speed of making the next step. You can insert a link to a page where a customer can book an online or offline meeting. For an online meeting, you can choose a platform of your liking and set available meeting hours.

Using Space Dividers for an Email Signature

The email signature must not only attract attention but also be easy to read. Adding a vertical divider is one of the best ways to divide information into blocks that are easy to perceive.

Try using glyph dividers. They are simple bar symbols.

Social Media Influencer Email Signature

You might think that you, as an influencer, do not need an email signature. However, it's vital for you to have one. This especially comes in handy when you are looking for partnerships with other brands and influencers.

Such email signatures can be made in a very creative and stand-out way. Making an accent on the social media you are working in with a 'Follow me on' or 'Like me on' part can even increase your metrics.

Email Signature with a 2-column Look

This is another beneficial email signature that can be used to promote special deals or sales. One part is kept as usual with all essential information like contact information, names, specialties, business addresses, and a website link. The other part is made like a banner. The distinctive part about this version is that the banner is vertical instead of the usual horizontal one at the bottom. The banner can be used as a business promotion or description as well as a sales banner. You can display it during Black Friday or holiday discounts.

Email Signature with Traceable links

Inserting links for your business website and all social media accounts, as well as part of any kind of promotion, is a must. You can also use this feature to track data for marketing purposes. Creating special traceable links can provide a lot of data, such as which part of the signature attracts more attention. In the long run, it can be helpful in creating a marketing strategy, choosing what social media interests your audience more, and analyzing what signature style works best.


For a professional in any sphere, having a distinctive and well-made email signature is a must. There are some basic rules that you need to follow, which are adding your name, position, and all relevant business information. Everything else is up to you.

Email signature serve as an introduction, but can also be used for marketing and promotion. It reflects you and the services you represent, so be careful when choosing one.

Your email signature can vary based on what you do for a living. However, you can be creative and make something unique. This part of your email should catch people's eye and make them get in contact with you. Try to reflect your company's sphere and values.

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Table of Content
What Is an Email Signature? Why Is an Email Signature Important? What Not to Include in an Email Signature What Is a Call to Action? A Short Master Class to an Effective Call to Action How to Make an Outstanding Email Signature? 25 Professional Email Signature Templates A Simple Email Signature Another Straightforward Email Signature Example Branded Email Signature Social Media Pages for Email Signatures Stellar Content for an Email Signature Personal Email Signature with Contact Information and socials Email Signature with a Call to Action Add an Image to Your Professional Email Signature Contact Information with Company Address Using the default iPhone signature could help your letter look better. Keep Mobile Responsiveness in Mind Email Signatures for Environment Lovers Email Signature with Personal Images and Logos Use Email Clients for Your Email Signatures An Email Signature with a YouTube Video Link Showcase Your Product in Your Email Signature Showcase Your Portfolio in an Email Signature Your Social Profiles in Creating an Email Signature Ask for a Review in Your Email Signature An Email Signature with a Disclaimer Use Professional Email Signature Examples with Photos Fewer Lines — Best Decision for Your Email Signature Seasonal and Holiday Email Signature Adding a Meeting Link to Email Signature Using Space Dividers for an Email Signature Social Media Influencer Email Signature Email Signature with a 2-column Look Email Signature with Traceable links Summarizing
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